I never got around to blogging this, but a few weeks ago I created my first iPad app (it's a universal binary, so it works on iPhone as well).

It's called GiggleTouch and it's $0.99, available on the Apple App Store.

![giggletouch-ipad-icon](https://s3.amazonaws.com/benpublic/blog/2017/12/giggletouch-ipad-icon.png) ![appStoreBadge](https://s3.amazonaws.com/benpublic/blog/2017/12/appStoreBadge.png)

So, what is it? GiggleTouch is simply an app for young children. My 1-year-old twins love it. So do toddlers. Usage is simple: Touch it and shapes & letters animated in various colors & sizes. What really makes it fun is the giggling. It's somewhat contagious, and after watching about a dozen kids play with this app, I'm convinced you'll like it too (if you have kids).

Just today I found out that GiggleTouch is featured in the What's Hot section on the iPad App Store. Woot! ![giggletouch-featured-photo](https://s3.amazonaws.com/benpublic/blog/2017/12/giggletouch-featured-photo.png)

If you do end up snagging it, I'd love a review.